This morning, I came late for the netball tryouts. *sighs. I woke up late, that's why. How am I supposed to not wake up late? I came home at 5:30 am and I didn't sleep straightaway. I watched a dvd and slept around 6:15 am. And netball starts at 8! Ainako!, so from there, I knew I had to get some rest before the tryouts. I didn't sleep so well, I don't know why. I was tired but I couldn't fall asleep. Yieeeeh. :(
Instead of coming for the tryouts on time, I came an hour late. Haha. Oh well, at least I came anyway. You know what the netball team needs?! More players! And more talented players who are dedicated to the game!
Nyehh. I was so tired right after the tryouts. Like, I was completely and extremely exhausted, I couldn't even breathe properly. So, I went straight back home, ate a little cause I haven't eaten for 3 days. Took a shower and went straight to my big comfy bed. Mmmm.. I'm so blank now. Will update more soon. Till next time. See ya~~
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