Friday, 30 January 2009

I'm me again 3 years ago. Been avoiding alcohol and still trynna quit smoking. I've never felt so alive. It's so.. I don't know how to say it, but it makes me feel good. Like, oh god, it truly is undescribable. Nothing seems to bother my mind, my thoughts and whatsoever cause I know I have the capability to do whatever. (Y)
It feels amazing. I'm back in the normal life again. If you think its not, then, it's not your way of living normal. I have my type of normal, and you have yours. Got that? And if you don't like it, who am I to make you like it? So yeah. Anyway, since I've involved myself in a life I never thought I'd live in, I've just been so rational. Like, I go with the flow. You earn some, you lose some. Get me? That's just my way of living right now. I'm not that desperate. So, go figure.
I'm also still struggling in making progress with my studies. Hopefully, I'll do well in my O levels. Going out a lot doesn't make me an idiot. I still have concerns for my education. There's no harm in trying. So yeah. :)
Dividing my time over something I love doing and also over something I have to do isn't an issue to me. I'm as cool as icezzzz.
I think I'm done for now. I'll update some more soon. Laterzz. xoxo
Thursday Night Outing

Monday, 26 January 2009
I know that I love you
Here are the lyrics:
Beyonce - Broken-hearted Girl
You’re everything I thought you never were
And nothing like I thought you could’ve been
But still you live inside of me
So tell me how is that?
You’re the only one I wish I could forget
The only one I’d love to not forgive
And though you break my heart, you’re the only one
And though there are times when I hate you
Cause I can’t erase
The times that you hurt me
And put tears on my face
And even now while I hate you
It pains me to say
I know I’ll be there at the end of the day
I don’t wanna be without you babe
I don’t want a broken heart
Don’t wanna take a breath with out you babe
I don’t wanna play that part
I know that I love you
But let me just say
I don’t want to love you in no kind of way no no
I don’t want a broken heart
And I don’t wanna play the broken-hearted girl…No...No
No broken-hearted girl
I’m no broken-hearted girl
Something that I feel I need to say
But up to now I’ve always been afraid
That you would never come around
And still I want to put this out
You say you’ve got the most respect for me
But sometimes I feel you’re not deserving me
And still you’re in my heart
But you’re the only one and yes
There are times when I hate you
But I don’t complain
Cause I’ve been afraid that you would've walk away
Oh but now I don’t hate you
I’m happy to say
That I will be there at the end of the day
I don’t wanna be without you babe
I don’t want a broken heart
Don’t wanna take breath with out you babe
I don’t wanna play that part
I know that I love you
But let me just say
I don’t want to love you in no kind of way no no
I don’t want a broken heart
And I don’t wanna play the broken-hearted girl...No…No
No broken-hearted girl
Now I’m at a place I thought I’d never be…Oooo
I’m living in a world that’s all about you and me…yeah
Ain't gotta be afraid my broken heart is free
To spread my wings and fly away
Away with you yeah yeah yeah, ohh ohh ohh
I don’t wanna be without my baby
I don’t wanna a broken heart
Don’t want to take a breath with out my baby
I don’t wanna play that part
I know that I love you
But let me just say
I don’t want to love you in no kind of way..No..No
I don’t want a broken heart
I don’t wanna play the broken-hearted girl..No..No..
No broken-hearted girl
Broken-hearted girl
No broken-hearted girl
No broken-hearted girl
Saturday, 24 January 2009
I miss you so much
Wednesday, 21 January 2009
Stop callin' me Amberzzzzz!
This morning, I woke up around 4:30 am. Surprisingly, I never wake up that early before. Oh well, at least that's something new to me. Yay me. Then I arrived at school around 7:10 am. Suddenly, I saw everyone here and there like everywhere. Its supposed to be normal, actually. But it just seems different. Like as if something just happened and everyone is gathering around places talking about it. I ignored all that and went straight to class. As I stepped in, I couldn't help but notice that one of the sliding windows were missing. Then a classmate of mine approached me and told me that there was a strong wind last night. And I like, "What? There was?" And she was like, "Yeah." I was so blurr, I had no clue what she was talking about. Then it all came over me. I just remembered that I slept early right after I took a shower last evening. I participated for this basketball tournament yesterday. So yeah. I didn't get to play for the entire game because I wasn't in a good condition. So anyway, back to the story. Teacher Rajesh entered the class moments after that. Our first period was POA. Oh god! I'mk getting tired of POA. It always makes me sleepy eventhough I had a good sleep last night. Sheesh. He can never keep me awake when he teaches, you know that. If only he'd increase his sense of humour level. He's just too boring to teach. Then, the next period we had was Bahasa Melayu. But then, Teacher Rokiah didn't show up. Must've been because of the flood? I don't know. So yeah. There was no teacher for two whole periods. We were like fooling around all over the class like a bunch of hooligans. Once the Bahasa Melayu period was over, we had our elective classes. We were all seperated during elective classes. Depends on what subjects the students are taking. Since me and my friends chose Art, we were all stuck together. After a period of Art, we had our break. But I just stayed in the classroom with my girls. Didn't feel like going out much. I just went out for a short walk. Until I saw Adek. Hahah. I just love to tease her so much! So yeah. Right after break, we continued our Art lessons. Not only that, we just had our art work displayed on the school's bulletin board! Yayy! How cool is that? Right after Art, there was also another elective class. Since it's the second elective, I call it Elective 2 class. It was time for my Additional Maths Class. Sadly, me and my girls had to be separated due to the different subjects they are taking. So yeah. I'm always alone during AMaths class. How sad is that? :( Minutes after I entered the class, Teacher Koh insisted I sit infront next to Umi since there's an empty seat next to her. So, I did. Even when I finally get to sit infront, I still have no clue what Teacher Koh was teaching. Its not that he's bad at teaching. He's actually very good in teaching. I was the only one lacking of understanding. Tssk. I know. I'm such a lousy student. Then Umi asked me whether I'm coming for basketball training this afternoon. At first, I wasn't sure if I could make it because it was so last minute. So in the end, I made it anyway. I came aroound 1:30 pm. Chill around Mamih and smoked some cigarettes at the stairs. Went back to school around 2 pm. Sat all by myself at the bench. Chillzz with Adek since she was the one who arrived first. Had fun with the girls. And also the boys too. Adek is so big, I can't even steal the ball from her when she dribbles. Its like having a dwarf trying to reach for food from an enormous giant but couldn't reach it. Hahah! (Adek, if you're reading this, I'm sorry! Hahahahah! You know I love you. ;P) Oh well, overall I had a fun and tiring day. Seriously. If only you knew. Hahah. Nowadays, The three Umi Zairis' keeps calling me Amber. Its really irritatingly annoying. -_-" Oh well, I just went with the flow. I'm tiredzzz like crazyy right now. I think I might go to bed early tonight. I'll update soonz. Right now, Naomi needs some shut eye. Until next time, readerzzzzz. ;)
Monday, 19 January 2009
Monday; A boring day
During the afternoon, I was bored, I didn't know what to do, do I studied myself to sleep. Woke up around 6. Had dinner early, continued studying again,and then hours after that I received a text message from a friend of mine saying that she's been trynna call me but she couldn't reach me. Hahah. Yes, Umi K. I'm talking about you. Oh well, I don't blame ya for being bored. When I first answered her phonecall, she was like "Hmm hmm hmmm hmmm... Hello? Hi! What are you doing? ~~" Hahahah. So, from that, I can tell that she was really bored. I even spoke to Adek for a while. She was like " Omg, I can't believe you're on the phone with my sister." So, in the end, me and Adek talked about this basketball tournament thing tomorrow. So yeah. But what cracks me up is the way Umi K said " Omg! Karang kamah my kain~~~" Hahahha. Shit, I should've recorded it when she said that. Hahah. It was so... bimbo-like. Hahah. Thats the best way I could think of describing it.
It feels great having friends like Umi. Like, she can turn my frown upside down. Although she is a weeee bit..... bimbo-like. Hahahha! No offense! ;)
Told ya you're awesome!
Aaah. Right now, I'm studying. But I don't know. Something's still bothering me. Oh well, I'm trying not to let that overwhelm me. So, I'm off to play pet society. Will update soonzzz. ;)
Sunday, 18 January 2009
I'm bored. Umi K's asleep. I'm bored. Zats is probably still watching some videos. I'm bored. Kiki's upset. I'm bored. I hope Fatin's at home already. I'm bored. I miss Homie. I'm bored. Homie bought me a red coloured sweater. I'm bored. Faiz is so annoying. I'm bored. Rizal is so hilariously hyper. I'm bored. Azmi, stop bothering me. I'm bored. You're sexy. I'm bored. Mama keeps pressuring me. I'm bored. I miss Dad. (May he rest in peace) I'm bored. I miss you. I'm bored. I'm happy for you. I'm bored. And I'll always love you. The End.
Friday, 16 January 2009
Racheal Starr - Crash
I'm currently listening to Crash by Racheal Starr. It's a double thumbs up! I love it so much. It's a ten out of ten. I hope you will enjoy it. Song's displayed above and lyrics are displayed below.
Racheal Starr - Crash Lyrics
Running around, nowhere to go
You gave me life and gave it meaning
Running around, nowhere to go
Somehow I think you know
Lost in a world you brought me into
Can I live after you
You gave me life and gave it meaning
Is this the way it goes
Can't stop thinking of the day you left
There wasn't even time to catch my breath
How can us be, you're gone from me
The last thing I wanted was for you to leave
Now that you're gone I must move on
Your dreams are my reality
I gotta go, get away
It's time for me to...
Run away now, run away now
Run away, run away
Run away now, run away now
Run away, run away
I feel you somewhere deep inside of me
You've always gained my strength
Running around, nowhere to go
Somehow I think you know
Can't stop thinking of the day you left
There wasn't even time to catch my breath
How can us be, you're gone from me
The last thing I wanted was for you to leave
Now that you're gone I must move on
Your dreams are my reality
I gotta go, get away
It's time for me to...
Running around nowhere to go... (5X)
Run away now, run away now
Run away, run away
Run away now, run away now
Run away, run away
Lost in a world you brought me into
I feel you somewhere deep inside of me
Running around nowhere to go...(3X)
Run away now, run away now
Run away, run away
Run away now, run away now
Run away, run away
Running around nowhere to go... (7X)
Thursday, 15 January 2009
Random Thoughts
First of all, let me ask you. What would you do when you found out something you never knew about yourself? Would it change the person you are? Would you ignore it? Do you think it wouldn't matter? We'll never know.
Now lets move on to the other. I'm a girl with a high interest and fascination towards people. I have my ways of using my mind. I look up to most people. Mostly, good citizens. You know, the ones with clean records, talented skills, educated, loved by many etc. But, what if, one day, you found out the bad side of them? Like, you found out their deepest darkest secret. Would you still look up to them? Would you treat thm differently? Would you be disappointed in that person? What do you think is best to do?
From what I've commonly noticed, people would rather see things of whats good on the outside and they prefer not to know how bad they are on the inside to continuously respect the people they look up to. And that is not a very good behaviour as well.
To me, its more like, you don't like them the way they are. You just want them to be the way you want them to be which isn't right. Don't you think that's just plain selfish? These people are human beings wiith minds of their own. So, we have no right to interfere in whatever they're going through. They're delicate and precious just the way they are and how comfortable they are around people. Actually, I'm not quite sure of what I'm talking about here. I'm trying to make a point, but, I'm not so sure what the point is. But all I can say is... Bugsy, I love you the way you are. And no matter how bad things are or things might get, I'll always look up to you. Not just as a human being, but as a loyal friend. I know we haven't known long, but I'm all about loyalty. I give you all my respect.
Anyway, enough about that. Lets move on to another topic. This week, I did a sketch of three objects and improved in my shading skills. unfortunately, that work of mine is with my art teacher, Teacher Lowie. If it was in my hands right now, I would kindly show it to you by taking a picture of it and uploading it here.
Recently, I have been so interested in doing art. Its just so fascinating. Eversince we have Teacher Lowie as our new Art teacher. He makes Art much more meaningful than it should be. And he's fun to be around with. Last year, Art felt so dead to me when we had our previous Art teacher. I'd rather not mention the name here. I wouldn't want to spoil his/her reputation as an experienced Art teacher.
I've been so depressed lately, like, some parts of my life is missing. Hmm.. I'd like to talk about it. But not now. I'm supposed to be in bwd by now. So yeah. Cause I have basketball training tomorrow morning at 7:30am. Ainako! I have to wake up early on a Friday. Oh well, Cherrio. More will be updated soon. Goodnight! :)
Tuesday, 13 January 2009
Excruciatingly in pain.
Monday, 12 January 2009
Monday; a special day.

Hahahahah. It was so hilarious. Like, first, it was that, then all of a sudden she's in UK, then in an aeroplane, then just that.
Facts about Umi K:
She's awesomely amazing. We've just known each other for days and we treat each other like as if we've known each other for ages. That just shows how friendly she is. She likes to be out with friends for fun and laughs. Isn't that cute? She's all that when it comes to having fun. She makes an awesome friend. :) I'm lucky to have a kawan like her. Umi K, if you're reading this, I DEMICIATE having a friend like you. Hahahahha. :P
Thursday, 8 January 2009
"Here's a self-introduction. I'm mostly known as Nani. The girl noone has actually had the guts to approach to. Silly human beings. Just because I don't give out a smile very often, doesn't mean I'll bite you. I would probably rip your head off if you have the urge to ruin my life. I'm 16 going on 17. I'm no longer a girl. I'm a woman. And please don't sing Britney's "i'm not a girl" song whenever i say that. I find it very annoying. As you can see, my life is made up of endless predicaments that gives me major headaches everytime I wake up in the morning. It goes on daily and, ugh, i hate it. My aim is to be the best. Don't you ever wonder how your life is going to be after two decades? Doesn't life just scare you? Especially when things don't often go as planned. I'm very random,abrusive,environmental,straightforward,supportive,slightly vulnerable,enthusiastic,compassionate and attentive. All in one. Some might say I'm downrighted as I am not all that friendly to everyone. Just to some certain people. When I tell you I don't like you, I really really mean it. I love my circle of friends. I can get quite altruistic when it comes to being on their side. I'll support them even if they didn't ask me to. I can be inconsiderate at times. I can't say that I'm good in making decisions. But atleast I have the ability to decide which is wrong and which is right. I might sometimes use strong acrimonious words when I'm angry. I alienate myself away from my friends when I'm not in the right mood. Thats why sometimes, I prefer to be alone and isolated. But then, at times, i do take actions abruptly when someone tries to pick a fight with me. I have anger management issues. Take this as a precaution. Don't ever infuriate me. But I can still manage to control my raging temper. I try not to look back into the past nostalgically. It just gives me an immense heartache. You can say I'm a stalker. Haha. But I stalk some certain people only. I love shakespeare. They're all so tragically overwhelming. If you want to be my friend, make sure you're not treacherous. I hate traitors. So, from this introduction of mine, atleast you received some acquisitons based on my character. No worries, I don't bite people. But I do hate friggin perverts and friends who just pretend they're friends when they're actually some suck up mofo pricks! I'll shove a dick in your mouth if you make up any inconceivable rumours about me. And another thing, pLz d0N't tYpE lYk tHiZzZz! I find it highly inappropriate. Treat me prominently, and I will treat you the same way too. Get it? It's vice versa. So have a nice day. More will be updated soon once requested. Help save the environment please."
Do you see the difference between the person I am now with the person I was a year ago? Hmm.. At times, I miss being my old self. I was tough. And now, look at me. I'm a weakling. Can't even face a single predicament without bursting into tears feeling confused. How sad and pathetic is that? Tsssk.
My mind is so messed up right now. I'm a pile of mess. And I'm too hurt to fix myself up. :'( F, if only you know how badly I want you right now. :'(
Wednesday, 7 January 2009
What am I to do? Where am I to go? Who am I to refer to in need of comfort? Fuck all this. I'm tired.. :( Everything's so messed up.
Monday, 5 January 2009
Interestingly wonderful day :D
I was still at my friend's place. We just stayed at his place and watched some DVD. We watched Pulau Hantu and Pulau Hantu 2. It wasn't all that scary though. Especially when I was in Homie's arms. Mmm... I miss my Homie. Heheh. So yeah, after that, I was to be sent home by Fad. And go over to his girlfriend's house after that because his girlfriend wants to meet her mother. So, we took off. At first we stopped by at Kianggeh to eat. The soto is nice there. Siasiapun! After enjoying our meal, we sat for a while and smoked some cigarettes.
Suddenly, I received a text message from Piya saying that she will not be attending school on the First day of school. Nyeh. She also told me that the rest of my friends won't be attending school as well. So I gave it a deep thought and decided not to attend school as well. I'll just go to school aon the second day. And not only that, I get to spend more time with my Homie! Wheeeeeee. Hehe. (A)
And then, I just found out that Fad's girlfriend lives somewhere in Kg. Ayer, so we took a boatride. It was so fun. I've never been on a boatride before. It felt awesome. It was slso my first time going to Kg. Ayer. Like, I was so excited. Fad, Halus(Fad's Girlfriend), Laila(Halus's sister), Hafiz, Homie and I walked over to Halus's place as we got off the boat. I find the place quite fascinating. Especially their lifestyles. Mostly based on how they live their lives. We stayed at Halus's place for an hour or so. I finally had a private conversation with Homie. :) Telling her about my life and so on. She told me about her's as well.
Once Halus was done meeting her mother, we all left around 3:30am. But, to leave, we all had to wait for a boat. It's not like as if we'd swimm across. Pfft. That's crazy talk. Hahah. So we waited at the waiting shed. We saw some men fishing. We also saw all sort of fish they caught. We even get to see an "Ikan buntal" live in action. Hahah. Halus played with it and kicked it off the shore and back into the water. It was so funny. It took so long to get a boatride. Grrr! We waited for nearly an hour until we finally got a ride back on shore.
After we were all sent off, we walked back to the car. Row by row. Fad holding hands with Halus, Me holding hands with Homie and Hafiz just walking next to Laila. Hahah. Didn't mean to make them feel weird. :P
Moments after that, we were actually on our way back, until Fad received a call from a friend of his. I think it was his colleague. Cause Fad went straight to his office after that. We had to come along anyway, so yeah. I was playing my laptop at the back passenger seat with Homie. I showed her my pictures from back then. Gaaaaah! I was such a loser at that time. It was so embarassing. Hhaha. We stayed in the car while Hafiz and Fad took off to his office. We stayed there for a while. Almost like half an hour.
Finally, after Fad's done with his work, we all went back to Fad's place since we're all staying there for the night. Hee.. I love Homie! :D
I think that's all for today. I'm kind of tired. Actually, I'm exhausted! I'm finally at home after spending three wonderful days with Homie. :)
I miss Homie now :( Hmm... Oh well, I'm off to bed. Homie just sent me a text message telling me to go to sleep early cause I have to wake up early and go to school. Nyeh. Oh well, goodnight readers! Will update soon. Till next time............... *dum dum dum! :P
Sunday, 4 January 2009
Sunday ; The last day of 3rd Term School Holidays (Saturday included)
Last night, I had the most terrible night ever. I went out with Homie, F, A and W. We got drunk. Hahah. I got drunk earlier cause I drank a lot before they did. So yeah.
We hung out at gadong for a bit, and decided to join some friends "Mengayau Gambus". Gambus are quite lame actually. I don't know what made me want to joian them. Maybe it's because Homie was with me. Hehehe (A) It was somewhere around Madang. At first I didn't want to go in. I wanted to just stay in the car but lastly, I got bored. So, I decided to join along. I sat further away from where the people were dancing. Gambus is not really something I'm interested in. And in the end, I got bored there as well. So, W and I decided to go back in the car and just stayed there. I know. I'm a really boring person. We sat at the back of the car, passenger seats I mean. We talked and talked and talked. I cried a little after remembering my Late Dad. May he rest in peace. Then, all of a sudden, W went out of the car. I think he punched somebody. When I looked outside, I saw people all over the place holding steels, metal pipes etc. I asked F, "What's going on?!!" From the looks of her, she looked really panicked. I can tell from the looks of the what was going on around the area that there's was a fight. Mmm.. I didn't know what to do. W and A must've ran off. Cause I can't seem to find them anywhere. F and I were the ones left in that area. How sad is that? But it's quite funny. A just left me, F and his car just to save himself. I don't hate him for that, though. he was only trying to save himself. But F and I were totally clueless. We didn't know what to do and where to go since we both don't know how to drive. I would just drove off. But that car doesn't belong to me. So, I was as terrified as F but I tried to control my fears. If we were both freaking out at the same time, for sure both of us will go down. So, I tried to calm her down. Hmm.. I felt pity for her. I know those people who attacked our friends wouldn't dare to hurt us. It nearly happened to F, though. But thank god there was a man in red who saved her from being hurt by those men. Overall, things were so fucked up last night. We were all thankful we're alright. The man in red brought us to the stadium cause our friend was about to pick us up there. On the way there, there were cars following us from behind. At first we thought it was those men who attacked our friends. But actually, it was the man in red's friends. As we arrived at the stadium, we stayed and talked and went along with the flow. :) They're nice people actually. If it weren't for them, F and I would end up in the hospital. How ironic is that?
Moments after that, I felt like I needed to pee. I wanted to hold it in, GRR! Who would manage to hold in their urine on a wet rainy day? I'd salute that person who'd manage to hold it in while it was raining heavily. So, F and I went to Orchid Garden hotel to use the girls' room. After what's done that has to be done, I told F that I would never let anything bad to happen to her. So, I leaned down and gave her a big hug. I couldn't think of a better way to convince her that everything's gonna be alright. So yeah, I came up with that. But I actually meant it.
Mm.. I'm not gonna tell the whole story in detail. It's quite confidential actually. So yeah. Overall, we're okay. We're all safe. We stayed at a friend's place for the night. Just me, Homie, F and P.
It's almost dinner time. I gotta go. I'll update soon. Heheh. Till next time :)
Saturday, 3 January 2009
As requested :)
Anyway, the school holidays must've taken me over. I've been in and out, here and there all over places trynna to locate some fun, but sadly, I'm still searching. Searching for the places for teenagers by my age to learn and have fun a the same time. There are so many to learn in all places. Most likely to be everywhere actually. I've never met anyone who takes outings as an advantage for learning. It's all based on the experiences we are meant to gain. I love to go out and do whatever. Even if something bad happens to me, all I can do is smile. Cause that's what
I'm aiming for. Learning from mistakes is pretty effective. So that you're well aware of things that has happened to you during that particular time. Yes, you can say I let things happen to me. I don't really care how bad it is, as long as I get to learn how to prevent it from happening again. All based on the decisions we made, the steps we take, the words we say etc.
At times, I am so mad at myself. I have this inner anger that I find it very difficult to let go. I've been so frustrated over all the things that has happened to me. Mostly, horrible things. So yeah. I'm just mad at myself for all that has happened to me. I'm not saying I purposely made my life complicated or so, but I'm just confused with all that has happened to me. Like, sometimes I even question myself, why am I doing this to myself? Have I completely lost my mind? Do I need a reality check? I'm just so curious. What is it about me that's making me do all these things? Some say it's the devil in me that's making me and convincing me to do all these things. Yes, I admit. I'm an alcoholic. A heavy drinker. There's been a lot going on, I couldn't handle it. So, I gave up and went straight to alcohol. I want to forget, but I couldn't think of a better way. :/
I wouldn't kill myself, thats for sure. Hurt myself? Maybe a little bit. Heheh. But I wouldn't hurt myself too much, that's for sure.
So anyway, right now, I'm at Chill. Waiting for Tuti. I invited her to watch movies with me. Haven't thought of what to watch, but yeah. I'm starving to death! I feel weak on my chest. :( I'm thinking of what to order. Mmm..... For sure I want something appetizing. But I'm not so sure what to order.