I seriously don't know what is it about today that makes me smile all day long, like, you know, everyone in the class was so cheerful and happy. Some were a bit pissed with the loss of Manchester, still. Eventhough the Liverpool fans kept rubbing it on our faces. -_-" Eeeestuupiid! Hahha. But we managed to ignore all that. I had fun during assembly. I stood at the back of the line because I didn't really like being infront. I was supposed to though I was one of the school's councellor. Back to the story. I stood at the bacl of the line with the year 11D boys. They were soo hilarious. I couldn't stop laughing. All of us laughed and stuff. Even during the National Anthem, The school song and also during the pledge. I think Teacher Putri saw our misbehaviour. Because she announced something which included these words "Those crowd at the back (Refers to us but we pretended to turn to the back again like as if there was someone else behind us. HAHAH!), I notice they were laughing and giggling since just now. Where is your respect for the National Anthem? This is an example of 'What monkey see, monkey do', and we carried on giggling till the end. After the assembly, we kept repeating what she said. "Monkey see, monkey do. Monkey belong in the zoo. ;)
During English period, we were so bored with Teacher Sonia's babblings. I do respect her a lot though, but at times, she gives us a lot of unnecessary facts needed until we get bored and fall asleep during her class. -__-"
So, me, Piya and Qayyum were joking around talking in class etc. I learnt a new word today. "Eteih(however you spell it)" It means "Ouch" in Thai. I know, it's not much of a word, but still. It's considerably new. I was like "Eteih eteih eteih all the way". Then Piya was like "Nan, don't say it like that!" Then I asked "Why not, Piya?". She answered by whispering to my ears and said "Because you made it sound like as if you were moaning! It's what they use though when the people in thai fuck. They use eteih a lot." And i was like "WHAAAT??!! :O HAHAHAHAAH"
And then Qayyum joined us in the middle of our conversation.. He was also wondering what Eteih is. So, we told him. And he was like "Whoaaa! " With that funny look on his face. HAHAHA. Oh well, wouldn't tell you the story in detail on that part, but what i can tell you is, Qayyum was so majal to hear Piya moan! hahahahahah. Then, we asked Arrifah to moan and say Eteih at the same time. She actually did it though. But it was a huge TURN OFF!!! hahahahahahhahahhahhahhahahhahah!
Oh well, thats it for today. Will update more later. Now I have to be ready for tuition eventhough its still early. Cause I promised the boys I'd buy them donuts at the mall first, then I'll be off to A-Plus. My second Alma Mater ;)
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